Hidden Destiny

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hello, Faithful Ones,

As you know, it's been a very hard few weeks for the Amish community. I couldn't even make myself write about it until now. I think in many ways I've taken on a new perspective as I've talked with my Amish friend via her phone shanty to my cell phone. Through broken words and trembling voices, we shared the heartache and I came to an even deeper respect of what faith and humility can cause in a human heart.

My friend had two nephews at the Amish school where the shootings took place—
her sister's children. Those males were part of the ones released that awful day. But their focus was never fully on their own pain. She felt strongly that the Amish community could not have begun to heal if Roberts’ widow and children had been treated poorly in any way. And through a faltering voice, she told of their deep, deep gratefulness for the believers across this country who fell to their knees with them during this tragedy.

Peace in Him,


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